The outer ring of the Mars Mission logo features the names of its founders, Tunghai University and National Museum of Natural Science. The yellow spire represents the innovative spirit of Tunghai University's Luce Chapel, standing on the gridlines symbolizing Earth, signifying a commitment to synchronizing this innovation with the world. The Mars Mission competition is closely integrated with the Taiwan Science Festival, with the five stars in the starry sky representing the five major museums that host the festival: the National Museum of Natural Science, the National Science and Technology Museum, the National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium, the National Museum of Marine Science and Technology, and the National Taiwan Science Education Center. The red star on the right represents 'Neverland' from the story of Peter Pan, known in the theme song as 'The second star to the right.' It can symbolize Mars or one's personal dreams. The mission is to break away from Earth's gravity and overcome challenges in pursuit of our dreams.